Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How it Works!
Why Musang King?
Musang King was chosen for its high demand, not only domestically but also internationally.  Musang King is also the most premium Durian variant available in the market.
How do customers monitor their trees?
As an owner, you will have access via username and password to the Durian Valley Purchaser Portal (DVPP).  With your username, you can login anytime to view images of your tree.
What legal documents do we provide our customers with?
Durian Valley will provide the following:

Sales and Purchase Agreement (S&P Agreement) which states the ownership of the tree.
Letter of Appointment, which states M7 Plantation Berhad as the appointed Management Company to manage the tree for the duration of the project i.e. 25 years.

Both documents will be duly stamped at at Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN)

I live overseas. How can my fruits be sent to me?
As quite a number of our investors are located overseas, we can arrange for your fruit to be transported to selected countries.Transportation charges applies. Do contact us to find out more.
How do customers receive their earnings?
Customers can opt to receive their earnings in the form of fruit or money.
How is the land being developed?
Our land is currently being developed in phases, lot by lot. Each lot is approximately 30 acres in size and consists of 1,500 trees. The entire duration of the project is 25 years.
What is the minimum purchase?
One (1) tree.
How can I be a part of this project?
You may visit our office at the 29th Floor of Central Plaza in Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur, where our acquisition specialist will be able to provide in depth information about our project. To make an appointment, contact us at +60122293877 / +60122376877 or email us at